Burngreave Building Company

Burngreave Sponsor Cash for Kids

Burngreave Sponsor Cash for Kids

In conjunction with Hallam FM & South Yorkshire Housing Association we are helping to raise funds for Cash for Kids.

Cash for Kids responds to the needs of children in our communities so they can live life to the full and realise their individual potential. Based across 21 areas in the UK  who support children aged from birth to 18 who are disabled, disadvantaged or suffering from abuse or neglect.

The residents of Auckley Housing Estate in Doncaster stand to gain a street party for 200 kids if they are chosen as the winner in the Cash for Kids Happy Street Fundraiser.

We were pleased to donate £300 in this amazing cause as Andy Boulton of South Yorkshire Housing Association agreed to have his head shaved by Val Harrison to help raise funds and to date have collected over £1000

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